La Cazalla de Ronda

Tag: Andalusian cuisine

Our top 25 of the best restaurants in and around Ronda, Spain
Restaurants in Ronda
Lisa Ruddock
Lisa Ruddock
19 January 2024

Our top 25 of the best restaurants in and around Ronda, Spain

It’s time for an update to our original ‘Top 10’! We take our research very seriously (of course!), gather opinions from friends and feedback from our guests about the most popular bars, cafés and restaurants in Ronda and the nearby villages. We couldn’t possibly limit ourselves to just 10, so we’ve expanded our list to our favourite 25, so that there’s something for everyone and every occasion.

Ronda Restaurant Recommendations – 5 more of our favourites
Restaurants in Ronda
20 June 2018

Ronda Restaurant Recommendations – 5 more of our favourites

As it seems that our blogs recommending restaurants in and around Ronda are among the most frequently-read (hiking in Ronda is the most popular – thanks for following us folks!) and we love to help our guests and visitors to Ronda experience the very best from our hometown, we thought it about time we shared another five of our discoveries with you. It was such a struggle to dine out in so many different places, experiencing all the natural flavours of Andalusia (and we certainly need to do a bit of hiking now to balance things out!), but we were strong enough to accept the challenge and here are the results:

Andalusian Cuisine: Summer & Winter Recipes to Get Your Taste Buds Tingling
Food & Drink Andalusia
12 July 2017

Andalusian Cuisine: Summer & Winter Recipes to Get Your Taste Buds Tingling

The peppered history of Andalucía and its peoples has occasioned a fusion of ingredients and cooking methods. The arrival of the Moors from Arabia and North Africa proved the greatest influence on food, but they didn’t only bring with them aromatic spices and herbs. They also introduced irrigation systems (the ‘huertas’) to the arid lands of the south. Andalusian cuisine remains fresh and simple, with leanings towards a peasant’s diet due to historical periods of abject poverty in Spain. Staples were soups, paellas and rich stews cooked for great lengths of time on ‘stove-tops’, called poyos. The poyos and the poverty may be long gone, but the dishes remain, and these are a few you can sample during your visit to Andalucía:


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