Beautiful Blossoms at La Cazalla: our luxury private villa rental in Spain

The Serrania de Ronda is blooming with beautiful almond blossom. Everywhere you look pink and white flowers decorate the mountainous landscape. We are so lucky to have these perfectly pretty trees on our estate - not only for their gorgeous Spring display, but also for the nuts we harvest from them.

The almond trees are flowering a little earlier than usual this year, and we are looking forward to gathering the results in Autumn. What do we do with them? We give them to our guests, of course! We have been trying something new with last year's harvest and we think you will love the results. First, we painstakingly crack the almonds...

Cracking almonds at La Cazalla: a luxury villa rental in Spain

...and then we roast them in a honey or honey-and-sugar coating (for those with an even sweeter tooth). This year we were given organic, totally natural honey by a local beekeeper in nearby Grazalema village. Add a little salt and some of our own organic extra virgin olive oil, and the results are a deliciously-sweet and crunchy snack which goes perfectly with a cold beer on a hot day.

All of our guests receive a welcome basket when they arrive at La Cazalla and this year they will be able to enjoy these tasty almond treats... provided that we haven't crunched our way through them all in the meantime. They're simple and natural, and just so darn good!

Almond trees in blossom at our luxury villa rental in Ronda, Andalucia